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Dog Supplements - Immunovet K9 Powder and Tablets

The Effects of Immunovet on the Condition and General Status in Companion Animals

Graduate Veterinary Thesis (2018)

The effects of Immunovet on 38 dogs and 20 cats over an 8 week period were gathered for a Veterinary Graduate Thesis. Qualitative feedback was collected from owners in the form of questionnaires asking about improvements in animal symptoms like hair loss, lack of appetite, scratching / itching, excessive sleeping, coughing, etc. after taking Immunovet.

Results showed that the majority (51/58) of animals experienced observable improvements in one or more symptoms affecting their well being at the end of the trial. The main findings were that Immunovet stimulates the appetite, improves the quality of the hair coat, promotes positive behavioral changes and improves the general condition of companion animals.

Link to study...


Recently someone mentioned that she did not want to do a trial with her autoimmune dog because her vet said Immunovet would not help.

You have to understand that this is a supplement imported from Budapest, Hungry. It is widely used in the EU. The Hungarian Veterinary Society recommends it, as does the Hungarian Kennel Club. It is used at the Budapest Zoo. One of the internationally renowned vets in England uses it and recommends it. Holistic vets accept it and recommend it; they use it with their patients but in most cases, traditional vets will not use anything natural, herbal or non-prescription.

Consider how many of today's drugs are based on natural/herbal products: Digitalis/foxglove plant for heart disease; Pacific yew is the chemotherapeutic drug Taxol for breast cancer. Vincristine and Vinblastine, used to treat leukemia and other cancers. Lapachol, another anti-cancer drug is from the trumpet tree, Quinine, the lifesaving malaria drug is from the quinine tree; Salicin, is the foundation for aspirin from the white willow tree. And then there is penicillin from mold discovered on bread.

Sweet wormwood, is the bases of Artemisinin, the powerful anti-malaria treatment and is also invaluable as a parasite killer and cancer treatment. The Opium poppy provides morphine, and codeine. There are 119 drugs of known structure that are still extracted from higher plants and used globally in allopathic medicine.

It goes on and on. Immunovet is the sister supplement to Avemar which is FDA approved for use with humans and it is the most studied of current nutraceuticals for use with cancer and autoimmune diseases. It is a potent anti-inflammatory as well.

What concerns me about traditional vets is their disdain for anything natural without learning about it. They assume that if one of the giant pharmaceutical companies is not selling it, it's just not worth their time to investigate. You're at their mercy because you don't have basic veterinary knowledge; your dog is sick and you're afraid because you love that animal and you are totally dependent on the vet who was trained traditionally and stays in the box.

At times like these, when your dog is very ill and suffering, the hard core drugs like steroids bring side effects…
• Increased thirst and urination.
• Increased hunger.
• Panting (especially dogs).
• General loss of energy.
• Development or worsening of infections (especially
bacterial skin infections).
• Behavior changes.

The use of Immunovet to treat the same conditions bring the following side effects: Increased skin and coat health, increased pigment, increased energy, a feeling of well-being, improved appetite and reduction of symptoms. It also allows you to reduce the amount of steroids you are using and even stop them.

I think it’s worth a trial.

In a recent study, Immunovet was shown to be effective in protecting the liver against damage caused by bacterial toxins in liver cells isolated from rats.

The liver is considered a central organ of metabolism and detoxification in both the human and animal bodies. Dietary substances, including potentially toxic compounds, enter the liver immediately after absorption from the gut, where they undergo various chemical transformations before entering the central bloodstream, which then transports them to all cells in the body. In the case of toxins, the goal of reactions in the liver is to dispose of hazardous substances before they reach other vital organs. At the same time, it follows that the liver is the organ most exposed to toxic compounds, which plays an essential protective role against the toxic substances consumed. Hepatic damage often results in oxidative stress,

A recent study at the University of Veterinary Medicine looked at the effects of Immunovet on liver cells isolated from rats. Cells were infected with Salmonella enterica ser. It has been treated with toxins from the bacterium Typhimurium, a bacterium that very often causes intestinal infections in our pets. In addition to the toxin, the cells also received Immunovet and two drugs used as liver protectors for comparison. The ability of Immunovet to reduce the oxidative stress caused by the toxin in liver cells was studied, given that it had already been shown to be antioxidant in other cell types in previous studies.

The experiments showed that Immunovet was able to significantly reduce the oxidative stress caused by bacterial toxins on liver cells: it also reduced the production of free radicals in the cells and the amount of molecules that could damage the cell membrane. The effects of Immunovet were similar to those of the two commercial medicines. In summary, Immunovet can be used effectively to maintain liver cell health.


  1. Gábor Mátis, Máté Mackei, Kata Oláhné Orbán, Zsuzsanna Neogrády, Ákos Jerzsele (2019): The effect of fermented wheat germ extract (Immunovet®) on the redox homeostasis of the liver. In vitro studies in rat primary liver cell culture. Research report. Department of Biochemistry, ÁTE and Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology.

A recent study at the University of Veterinary Medicine looked at the protective effect of Immunovet against mold toxins.

Mycotoxins are toxic compounds produced by various molds that can occur in the seeds of cereals if a fungus has infected the plant in the field. This is most common during warm, humid periods, when plant infestation can be as high as 50-60%. Toxins in food and feed can damage the health of our pets in a number of ways: they cause apoptosis, or cell death, in the cells of the immune system, cause oxidative stress, and negatively affect the integrity of the intestinal epithelium, which is essential for proper intestinal absorption and protection.

A recent study at the University of Veterinary Medicine looked at the protective effect of Immunovet against various mycotoxins. Intestinal epithelial cells have been treated with DON and T-2 toxins, as well as a combination of these, which are among the most common mycotoxins as feed contaminants. The effect of Immunovet on cells was analyzed alone and in combination with toxins. Cell viability, cell layer integrity, and the amount of molecules signaling oxidative stress were measured to determine damage and possible protective effect.

Immunovet alone increased cell viability and cell layer integrity. When administered in combination with mycotoxins, it showed a protective effect against toxin-induced oxidative stress and loss of integrity. Based on the results, Immunovet may contribute to the maintenance of healthy cell function in the animal in case of contamination of feed with mycotoxins.


  1. Dorottya Prokoly, Judit Pomothy, Erzsébet Pásztiné Gere (2019): Investigation of the effect of fermented wheat germ extract (Immunovet) on fusarium toxin-induced porcine intestinal epithelial cells. Research report. ÁTE, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology.


By Dr. David Williams

A rather long but very valuable article appeared in Alternatives 2005, written by Dr. Williams. He discusses his introduction to Avemar, the fermented wheat germ extract from Budapest, Hungry. The discussion begins with the story of how this amazing supplement was actually discovered, and follows the progression to using it as an aid for cancer patients. He explains how its use keeps them strong while aiding in the fight against those deadly cells.

Because he goes on to discuss other uses for fermented wheat germ extract, I would like to share those with you.

…”In another recent study that has been submitted for publication, Avemar combined with conventional treatments was compared to the use of convention al treatments alone in 43 patients with stage III or stage IV oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas.

After a period of twelve months, those using Avemar experienced only a 4.5 percent incidence of recurrence of cancer at the original site, in contrast to 57.1 percent in the control group. Additionally, the Avemar group had a disease progression incidence of 9.1 percent in contrast to 61.9 percent in the control group. The researchers determined that adding Avemar to the treatment program reduced the risk of overall progression of the cancer (death, new tumors in the initial area, new metastases, et cetera) by 85 percent.”

“An Autoimmune Disease Disruptor

I should also mention that while most of the work with Avemar has been focused on various cancers, there are a couple of studies outside that realm.

One animal study tested Avemar on the autoimmune disease known as systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The results were so promising that a double blind clinical study on lupus patients is now underway. In the animal study, pretreating mice orally with Avemar before they were induced with SLE significantly reduced the symptoms associated with lupus, and these benefits were sustained for at least four weeks after discontinuing the Avemar. (Lupus 01;10(9):622–627) (Autoimmune Rev 04;3(3):199–206)

In regard to another autoimmune disease, an unpublished study found that the anti inflammatory properties of Avemar were beneficial in rheumatoid arthritis patients who had failed to respond to various anti inflammatory drugs and anti-rheumatic medications. The dosage was roughly twice that given to cancer patients (two doses of 9 grams per day instead of one dose of 8.5 grams a day). Significant improvements in morning stiffness, pain, and other indicators were recorded at both six and 12 months of treatment—with no side effects.

Additionally, from all indications, Avemar appears to “down regulate” or reduce the expression of faulty genes that trigger events leading to cancer. Unfortunately, studies involving cancer prevention can take decades to complete. At this point, unless one had a known high risk for developing cancer or was in danger of a recurrence of cancer, I think that preventive dietary and lifestyle habits will prove to be more cost effective.

There’s absolutely no reason that Avemar shouldn’t be used with every single cancer patient— particularly in those with severely impaired immune systems and those who are undergoing conventional therapies.”

The reason I am sharing this with you is this supplement has been effective against autoimmune diseases. It shows great promise in helping to reduce the amount of steroids that are used as treatment. That is just the beginning. This is the same supplement as Immunovet made by the same company in Budapest.


Immunovet a long term, large study with horses with behavioral problems.

This article appeared in the March 2018 Issue of Veterinary Times.

It’s difficult to consolidate this into a small article so here are the highlights. I encourage each and every one to follow the link and read the article. Yes, it was a study done with horses but we have seen the same or similar results with farm animals and dogs. Cats are not as easy because they can be fussy but in saying that we certainly have a number of cats using Immunovet.

“Over a six-year period, 66 geldings and 25 mares, with behavioral problems not causally associated with oestrus, were given FWGE as part of their standard daily evening-fed diet using, as previously, a weight-adjusted feed addition approximating to one part per thousand parts of feed on a dry weight basis. This meant small horses (about 350kg bodyweight) received 15g per day, medium-sized animals (about 500kg) 20g per day and larger animals (about 750kg) 25g per day. In all instances, the prime criterion for feed intervention was what the stable staff referred to generically as “bad behavior”.

The majority of animals (74/91) selected for inclusion in the study, as a consequence of poor behavior, were also recorded as suffering during the six-year period of observation from a variety of common ailments, such as poor appetite, difficulty in retaining weight, low grade recurrent colic and hoof problems apparent in the spring as the animals spent more time on pasture. Coat and skin condition were also noted. These incidental observations are recorded in outline, not as the outcome of fully quantified trials, but because they give possible indications of some of the causes of bad behavior and, in a preliminary manner, point to some ways in which change can be effected.

Behavioral problems were initially recorded on paper in the terms used by the animal carers as, aggression, anxious, biting, grumpy, tense, ears back, bucking, easily spooked, difficult to mount, nervous, and excited when ridden, squealing, squirting, weaving, wind-sucking, fence refusals and unwilling to work. These terms are all widely used and easily understood, but not readily quantified.

Over the six-year period of study, 17/91 of the animals (10 geldings and 7 mares) at the time they were scored for the beneficial effect of FWGE on behavior, had no other clinical symptoms that accounted for their bad behavior. The remaining animals had, from time to time, poor weight maintenance, mild recurrent colic, hoof or skin problems. Complete case histories for each animal were kept, but these offer too much information for the present paper.

The impact on behavior was recorded. This was an open case controlled study and, as with the oestrus mares, some instances of deprivation of treatment was used as a control. The ages of the animals ranged from 2 to 35 years and involved riding school, hacking and jumping, dressage and eventing horses. The duration of treatment periods varied, but was largely determined by how long it took for the restoration of normal behavior.

The initial effects of the use of FWGE were followed on 17 animals, 10 geldings and 7 mares – all of which had high behavioral scores. These initial cases had no other obvious clinical problems. The various descriptions of the bad behavior included kicking the stable door, sharp and spooky, difficult to mount, nervous and excited when ridden, wind-sucking, uptight and spooky when ridden, grumpy, biting, ears back, tense and unwilling to work.

The mean BS of these 17 animals prior to intervention was 4.4+/-0.6. After feeding the product, the majority of the animals had improved BS within one to two weeks, although four horses, two geldings and two mares, took four to six weeks. In all 17 animals the various signs of bad behavior improved to what could be considered “normal” levels. After feeding with FWGE.

In the present study, over the six-year period of study, 33 horses, (5 mares and 28 geldings) were reported by the stable staff to have, in addition to bad behavior, recurrent low grade colic not deemed on veterinary advice to require further intervention. The colic was defined by such clinical signs, as kicking at belly, flank watching, restlessness, tail swishing, sweating, tachypnoea, rolling eyes, wanting to lie down and unwillingness to have the girth tightened.

The average behavior score of these animals at the time the colic was recognized was 4.6+/-0.4. Following the use of FWGE the mean BS was 1.4+/-0.5. The differences in BS before and after intervention were statistically significant (P<0.0001). It was also noted the clinical signs of colic in all these animals was much reduced and often abolished by feeding the product from 2 to 28 days, with the majority of the animals (24/28) showing recovery in the first two weeks.

The improvement in behavior was co-terminal with cessation of the clinical signs of colic. The attending vet (personal communication) was very surprised with the improvements brought about in these colic instances by feeding the product.
Four of the five animals were indeed found to have significant gastric ulceration. The fifth had an inflammatory abnormality of the duodenum. These five animals were then treated daily for four weeks with FWGE. During this time, quantified observations were made on their behavior and, after 28 days, the animals underwent further gastroscopy.

Standard numerical scores for gastric observation, behavior, and general condition were derived. Gastric score 1 to 5 is none to severe ulceration, BS as before. The general condition score reflected poor (1) to very good (5).

All horses improved their behavioral profile within 7 to 10 days of starting and all regressed to their previous bad behavior within three weeks of cessation at the end of the period of study of feeding with FWGE. The differences in the mean BS after intervention with the product were statistically significant.
In relation to gastric ulceration scoring, no differences were seen as a consequence of treatment. Differences were observed in all animals in various more subjective parameters of gastrointestinal health and abdominal sensitivity, including allowing girth to be tightened, improvement in the quality of feces, less discomfort when being tacked up, cessation of wind- sucking and improvement in appetite. No significant differences were seen between the general condition and gastric scores between the commencement and cessation of the 28-day period of observation

It was noted in horses where coat condition was less than “optimal” that it improved noticeably during the period of intervention with FWGE. Additionally, in eight animals, four mares and four geldings – all with poor behavioral profiles – various abnormal skin conditions were recorded. Four animals had extensive alopecia and lumpy skin, and in two of those, considerable ulceration and flaking. One was recorded as having mud rash.

Four animals suffered from sweet itch – two with extensive exudates. All signs resolved within six to eight weeks on animals fed with FWGE. Feeding with this product prophylactically by the stable owner has been undertaken and no new cases of abnormal skin conditions seen in the past two years. Several would have been expected from experiences in earlier years prior to the use of FWGE.

Further study is warranted on the beneficial effects of feeding this product to horses suffering from various chronic skin disorders.

A total of 17 geldings and 8 mares, in addition to poor behavior, were noted to also suffer from poor appetite and weight loss. In all cases, their behavioral problems were corrected by feeding FWGE, and restoration of appetite and capacity to retain weight were noted to have occurred by the carers. These latter effects occurred over a period of weeks and were more noticeable in older animals. The overall results give a preliminary indication horses with poor appetite and inability to maintain weight can be improved by feeding this product.

I have found this to be one of the most comprehensive articles of this supplement and its very gratifying to know that we have this available throughout the world.
Link to study....
Immunovet has been shown to promote immune health in large poultry populations like chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks

Effect of FWGE on Salmonella Typhimurium Infection of Broiler Chickens

Journal of Hungarian Veterinarians, 2020. 142. 77-85

This multi phase study investigated FWGE's effect on the performance of broiler chickens with respect to weight gain, feed conversion and their response to Salmonella Typhimurium infection.

In the first phase, the FWGE groups had greater average body weight compared to the control group. These chickens also consumed less feed and had significantly better feed conversation ratios. In the second phase, FWGE was able to reduce spreading of the pathogen: significantly fewer chickens became infected compared to the control.
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Immunovet has been shown to promote immune health in large poultry populations like chickens, turkeys, geese and ducks

Effect of FWGE Against M. Gallisepticum Infection Of Chickens

Poultry Science, 2004. 83: 1844-1848

The effect of fermented wheat germ extract (FWGE, Immunovet-HBM) was studied in chickens challenged with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. Ninety (90) M. gallisepticum- and M. synoviae-free 3-wk-old chickens were exposed to aerosol infection of M. gallisepticum.

No mycoplasma was reisolated from brain, liver, spleen, heart, or kidneys of the FWGE-treated birds. 20% of the birds treated with FWGE showed serological response with a 5.0% reaction score, whereas in the infected untreated group, 83.3% of birds were reactors, with a 62.5% reaction score.
Link to study

We proudly announce, that Immunovet has become the Official Supplier of the Budapest Zoo and Botanical Garden!

Immunovet Budapest zoo-277-43



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